Yura The Utonagan

Yura meaning ‘One Who Is Beautiful’

You may recognise this beautiful fluff ball who appears in many of Luisa’s videos as her side kick. Yura is a utonagan who is 2 years old and enjoys an adventure just as much as her owner does. 

The breed Utonagan (or Northern Inuit Dog) is very rare, but unique dog, and many who hear of this breed have never heard of it before. The breed was born in the 1980s and was breed to look like a wolf - its a newer cross breed between a German Shepard, a Siberian Husky, a Malamute and a few rescue wolf like breeds. Utonagan means ‘Spirit of the Wolf’ in Chinook Indian language. Yura has a 5 generational family tree and lives with 3 other Wolf dogs in her pack, who sometimes appear as ‘guests’ in Luisa’s videos.

Interesting facts about Yura:

  1. Yura is 40kg and the biggest in the pack but not the alpha - Skye, the first born and Luisa’s first Wolfdog is the Alpha and pack leader.

  2. Yura is very obedient and very well trained around sheeps and that. When She’s with Luisa, she obeys most commands but has a tendency to get bored when sitting about as you will see in Luisa’s videos.

  3. Yura destroys every toy she’s given… but If you’d like to purchase a present for Yura or any of the other dogs, please have a look at Luisa’s Amazon Wishlist for options available

Skye - Named after the Isle of Skye, Scotland

Skye is an over friendly Siberian Husky and Luisa’s first Dog. She is the pack leader. Skye is a wee rock climber and loves the outdoors just as much as the others do.

Tulok - Meaning ‘Warrior’

Tulok is also a Utonagan and is actually Yura’s brother believe it or not even though they are both completely different colours. The only boy of the pack unfortunately tulip gets bullied a lot of the time but still sits in 3rd place with Tala being at the bottom because she is the newest of the pack. Tulok looks more like his mum where Yura looked more like her dad and took the height and muscles from her dad rather than their mum.

Tala - Meaning ‘Wolf’

Tala is a Czechsolvakian Vlcak (wolfdog) and is the youngest and cheekiest of the pack but also sits at the bottom. Tala is very timid around people but not afraid to stick up for herself when she is bullied by the others. The czechsolvakian Vlcak was introduced in the 1950’s when they bred a carpathian wolf with a German Shepard and it was successful. Although